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Kars Bölgesinde Yeni Doğan Buzağılarda Retinal Anormalite İnsidensinin Fundoskopik Muayene ile Belirlenmesi

Yıl 2019, Cilt: 12 Sayı: 1, 13 - 19, 30.06.2019


Bu çalışmada Kars Bölgesinde yeni doğan
buzağılarda (0-3 aylık) rutin göz ve göz fundusunun muayenesi yapılarak retinal
anormalitelerin tip ve insidensi ile olası nedenlerin değerlendirilmesi
amaçlanmıştır. Çalışma materyalini değişik ırk ve cinsiyette 0-3 aylık 300 baş
buzağı oluşturdu. Bütün olgularda Atropin ile oluşturulan midriasis sonrası göz
fundusunun muayenesi yapıldı. Fundus muayenesinde optik disk, tapetal bölge,
nontapetal bölge ve retinal damarlar değerlendirilerek normal ve anormal
bulgular not edildi ve fotoğraflama işlemi gerçekleştirildi. Değerlendirmeye
alınan 300 baş buzağının 287’sinde (%95,66) klinik olarak herhangi bir problem
saptanmazken 13’ünde (%4,33) bilateral tam körlük problemi belirlendi.
Bilateral körlük saptanan 9 olguda (%3) retina ve optik disk problemi gözlemlendi,
4 olguda (%1,33) ise retina ve optik diskte herhangi bir anormal bulguya
rastlanmadı. Görme problemi olan 9 olgunun 1’inde optik disk hipoplazisi,
retinal dejenerasyon ve miyelinizasyon, 1’inde optik neuritis, 2’sinde optik
disk hipoplazisi, 1’inde korioretinitise bağlı retinal kanama, 1’inde
papilloödem, 1’inde retinal dejenerasyon, 1’inde papilloödem ve retinal
dejenerasyon, 1 olguda ise bir gözde optik neuritis ve retinal kanama, diğer
gözde de optik neuritis ve parsiyel retinal ayrılma tespit edildi. Bu
çalışmayla, bölgemizdeki sığır yetiştiriciliğinde büyük önem taşıyan görme
problemlerine ilişkin insidens bilgileri yanında, çeşitli sığır ırklarına
ilişkin normal fundus varyasyonları saptandı ve problem saptanan olgularda
fundusla ilgili problemlerin çeşitliliği belirlendi.

Destekleyen Kurum

Kafkas Üniversitesi Bilimsel ve Teknolojik Araştırma Projeleri Destekleme Bölümü

Proje Numarası



Bu çalışma süresince bana büyük destek sağlayan Prof. Dr. Özgür AKSOY’a ve Prof. Dr. Murat ŞAROĞLU’na teşekkü-rü bir borç bilirim.


  • 1. Haytoğlu T. Oftalmolojik Muayene Yöntemleri. Erişim tarihi:13.12.2007.
  • 2. Öktem B. (1971). Göz Hastalıkları. Ankara Üniversitesi Basımevi, Ankara.
  • 3. Akın C. Gözün anatomisi ve görme fizyolojisi. Erişim tarihi: 14.07.2009.
  • 4. Foster S. Eye anatomy and function in animals. Erişim tarihi: 15.07.2009.
  • 5. İlhan B, Eldem B. (1998). Retina Fizyolojisi. Ret Vit. 6:68-73.
  • 6. Karagül S. (1995). Periferik Retinanın Anatomisi, Varyasyonları ve Muayenesi. Ret Vit. 3:15-19.
  • 7. Samuelson DA. (2007). Ophthalmic Anatomy. (In): Veterinary Ophthalmology. Gelatt KN (eds). Volume: 1. 4th ed. pp: 37-148. Blackwell Publishing, Florida.
  • 8. Slatter D. (1990). Retina. In: Fundamentals of Veterinary Ophthalmology. 2th ed. pp: 400-436, WB Saunders Company, Philadelphia.
  • 9. Grahn BH, Cullen CL, Peiffer RL. (2004). Food Animal Opht-halmology. (In): Veterinary Ophthalmology Essentials. pp: 266-283. Butterworth-Heinemann. Philadelphia. 10. Townsend WM. (2007). Food and Fiber-Producing Animal Ophthalmology. (In): Veterinary Ophthalmology. Gelatt KN (ed). Volume: 2. 4th ed. pp:1275-1335. Blackwell Publishing, Florida.
  • 11. Gregory-Evans CY, Williams MJ, Halford S, Gregory-Evans K. (2004). Ocular Coloboma: A Reassesment in the Age of Mole-cular Neuroscience. J Med Genet. 41:881-891.
  • 12. Onwonchei BC, Simon JW, Bateman BJ, Couture KC, Mir E. (2000). Ocular Colobomata. Survey Ophthalmol. 45(3):175-194.
  • 13. Ramsey DT, Ewart SL, Render JA, Cook CS, Latimer CA. (1999). Congenital Ocular Abnormalities of Rocky Mountain Horses. Vet Ophthalmol. 2:47-59.
  • 14. Akın F, Samsar E. (1999). Muayene yöntemleri. (İçinde): Göz Hastalıkları. s:32-34. Tamer Matbaacılık, Ankara.
  • 15. Grahn BH, Cullen CL, Peiffer RL. (2004). The Complete Opht-halmic Examination and Ocular Diagnostic Procedures. (In): Veterinary Ophthalmology Essentials. pp: 1-34. Butterworth-Heinemann. Philadelphia.
  • 16. Mitchell N. (2006). Feline Ophthalmology Part I: Examination of the Eye. Irish Vet J. 59(3):164-168.
  • 17. Ollivier FJ, Plummer CE, Barrie KP. (2007). Ophthalmic Exami-nation and Diagnostics. Part 1: The Eye Examination and Diag-nostic Procedures. (In): Veterinary Ophthalmology. Gelatt KN (ed) Volume:1, 4th ed. pp: 438-483. Blackwell Publishing, Florida.
  • 18. Rosolen SG, Gaiddon JA, Desbrosse AM, Lescure F, Peiffer RL. (2001). Diagnostics. (In): Small Animal Ophthalmology. Peiffer RL, Petersen-Jones SM (eds). 3th ed. pp: 13-41. WB. Saunders, London.
  • 19. Grahn BH, Cullen CL, Peiffer RL. (2004). Orbit. In: Veterinary Ophthalmology Essentials. pp: 82-95. Butterworth-Heinemann. Philadelphia.
  • 20. VanDerLugt JJ, Prozesky L. (1989). The Pathology of Blindness in New-Born Calves Caused by Hypovitaminosis A. Onderss-tepoort J Vet Res. 56:99-110.
  • 21. Uchida K, Kunieda T, Abbasi AR, Ogawa H, Murakami T, Tate-yama S. (2006). Congenital Multiple Ocular Defects with Falci-form Retinal Folds Among Japanese Black Cattle. Vet Pathol. 43:1017-1021.
  • 22. Ushigusa T, Uchida K, Murakami T, Yamaguchi R. (2000). A Pathologic Study on Ocular Disorders in Calves in Southern Kyushu, Japan. J Vet Med Sci. 62(2):147-152.
  • 23. Leipold HW, Gelatt KN, Huston K. (1971). Multiple Ocular Anomalies and Hydrocephalus in Grade Beef Shorthorn Cattle. Am J Vet Res. 32(7):1019-1026.
  • 24. Leipold HW, Mills JHL, Huston K. (1974). Retinal Dysplasia and Internal Hydrocephalus in a Shorthorn Calf. Can Vet J. 15(2):34-38.
  • 25. Lueder GT. (2006). Clinical Ocular Abnormalities in Infants with Trisomy 13. Am J Ophthalmol. 141:1057-1060.
  • 26. Slotnick S, Fitzgerald DE, Sherman J, Krumholz DM. (2007). Pervasive Ocular Anomalies in Posterior Microphthalmos. J Optometry. 78:71-77.
  • 27. Zeis CJ, Zarfoss MK, Jhonson EE, Dubielzing RR. (2008). Ocular Anomalies and Holoprosencephaly in a Lamp. Vet Ophthal-mol.11(1):30-33.
  • 28. Guercio JR, Martyn LJ. (2007). Congenital Malformations of the Eye and Orbit. Otolaryngol Clin North Am. 40(1):13-140.
  • 29. Cook CS. (2007). Ocular Embryology and Congenital Malforma-tions. (In): Veterinary Ophthalmology. Gelatt KN (ed) Volume: 1, 4th ed. pp: 3-36. Blackwell Publishing, Florida.
  • 30. Akın F, Samsar E. (1999). Retina Hastalıkları. (İçinde): Göz Hastalıkları. s: 98-104. Tamer Matbaacılık, Ankara.
  • 31. Collins BK. The blind cat. Access da-te: 19.01.2010.
  • 32. Hamilton Hl, McLaughlin SA. (2000). Diagnosis of Blindness. (In): Kırk’s Current Veterinary Therapy XIII Small Animal Practi-ce, Bonagura JD (ed). 13th ed. pp: 1038-1041. WB Saunders Company, Philadelphia.
  • 33. Alina D, Mutsa A, Oana L, Beteg F, Briciu R. (2008). Morpholo-gical Aspect of Tapetum Lucidum at Some domestic Animals. Bulletin UASVM, Vet Med. 65(2):166-170. 34. Janssens GHRR. (2002). Normal Variation of the Ocular Fundus in Dogs. EJCAP, 12(2):193-198.
  • 35. Narfström K, Bjerkas E, Ekesten B. (2001). Visual Impairment. (In): Small Animal Ophthalmology A Problem-Oriented Appro-ach. Peiffer RL, Petersen-Jones SM (eds). pp: 103-176. 3th ed. WB Saunders, London.
  • 36. Grahn BH, Cullen CL, Peiffer RL. (2004). Optic Nerve. (In): Veterinary Ophthalmology Essentials. pp: 194-199. But-terworth-Heinemann. Philadelphia.
  • 37. Sandmeyer LS, Grahn BC. (2008). Diagnostic Ophthalmology. CVJ. 49:1151-1152. 38. Şaroğlu M, Erdikmen DO. (2008). Retinal Degeneration due to Enrofloxacin Intoxication in a Cat. Turk J Vet Anim Sci. 32(5):403-406.
  • 39. Grahn BH, Cullen CL, Peiffer RL. (2004). Retina. (In): Veterinary Ophthalmology Essentials. pp: 174-193. Butterworth-Heinemann. Philadelphia.
  • 40. Yu DY, Cringle SJ. (2005). Retinal Degeneration and Local Oxygen Metabolism. Exp Eye Res. 80:745-751.
  • 41. Kondo A, Saito Y, Floricel F, Maegaki Y, Ohno K. (2007). Con-genital Ocular Motor Apraxia: Clinical and Neuroradiological Findings, and Long-Term Intellectual Prognosis. Brain Dev-Jpn. 29:431-438.
  • 42. Tarabishy AB, Alexandrou TJ, Traboulsi EI. (2007). Syndrome of Myelinated Retinal Nerve Fibers, Myopia and Amblyopia. A review. Survery Ophthalmol. 52(6):588-596.
  • 43. Barnett KC, Grimes TD. (1974). Bilateral Aplasia of the Optic Nerve in a Cat. Brit J Ophthal. 58:663-667.
  • 44. Slatter D. (1990). Neuro-Ophthalmology. (In): Fundamentals of Veterinary Ophthalmology. 2th ed. pp: 437-477, WB Saunders Company, Philadelphia.

Determination of Retinal Abnormality Incidence in Newborn Calves by Fundoscopic Examination in Kars Region

Yıl 2019, Cilt: 12 Sayı: 1, 13 - 19, 30.06.2019


In the present study, type and incidence of
retinal abnormalities occurring in newborn calves (0-3 months) and its possible
reasons were evaluated by routine ophthalmic and ophthalmic fundus examination
in Kars region. The study was performed in 300 calves with various breeds, age
(0-3 months) and sex. In all cases, examination of the fundus of the eye was
performed after the midriasis with Atropine. During the fundic examination of
optic disc, tapetal and non-tapetal areas and retinal vascularity were evaluated.
Normal and abnormal findings were recorded and photographed. Clinical
examination showed that 287 of 300 (95.66%) calves were clinically normal,
bilateral full blindness were observed in 13 calves (4.33%). Retinal and optic
disk problems were present in 9 cases (3%), 4 cases (1.33%) were free of
retinal and optic disc problems. Optic disc hypoplasia, retinal degeneration
and myelinization (1 case), optic neuritis (1 case), optic disc hypoplasia (2
cases), retinal hemorrhagia due to corioretinitis (1 case), papilledema (1
case), retinal degeneration (1 case), papilledema and retinal degeneration (1
case), optic neuritis and retinal hemorrhagia in one eye, optic neuritis and
partial retinal separation were other findings observed in nine case with eyesight
problems. In conclusion, in the present study the incidence of eyesight
problems that is a significant problem in cattle breeding of our region and
normal fundic variation of various cattle breeds were determined. A variety of
fundic problems were also determined in animals with sight problems.

Proje Numarası



  • 1. Haytoğlu T. Oftalmolojik Muayene Yöntemleri. Erişim tarihi:13.12.2007.
  • 2. Öktem B. (1971). Göz Hastalıkları. Ankara Üniversitesi Basımevi, Ankara.
  • 3. Akın C. Gözün anatomisi ve görme fizyolojisi. Erişim tarihi: 14.07.2009.
  • 4. Foster S. Eye anatomy and function in animals. Erişim tarihi: 15.07.2009.
  • 5. İlhan B, Eldem B. (1998). Retina Fizyolojisi. Ret Vit. 6:68-73.
  • 6. Karagül S. (1995). Periferik Retinanın Anatomisi, Varyasyonları ve Muayenesi. Ret Vit. 3:15-19.
  • 7. Samuelson DA. (2007). Ophthalmic Anatomy. (In): Veterinary Ophthalmology. Gelatt KN (eds). Volume: 1. 4th ed. pp: 37-148. Blackwell Publishing, Florida.
  • 8. Slatter D. (1990). Retina. In: Fundamentals of Veterinary Ophthalmology. 2th ed. pp: 400-436, WB Saunders Company, Philadelphia.
  • 9. Grahn BH, Cullen CL, Peiffer RL. (2004). Food Animal Opht-halmology. (In): Veterinary Ophthalmology Essentials. pp: 266-283. Butterworth-Heinemann. Philadelphia. 10. Townsend WM. (2007). Food and Fiber-Producing Animal Ophthalmology. (In): Veterinary Ophthalmology. Gelatt KN (ed). Volume: 2. 4th ed. pp:1275-1335. Blackwell Publishing, Florida.
  • 11. Gregory-Evans CY, Williams MJ, Halford S, Gregory-Evans K. (2004). Ocular Coloboma: A Reassesment in the Age of Mole-cular Neuroscience. J Med Genet. 41:881-891.
  • 12. Onwonchei BC, Simon JW, Bateman BJ, Couture KC, Mir E. (2000). Ocular Colobomata. Survey Ophthalmol. 45(3):175-194.
  • 13. Ramsey DT, Ewart SL, Render JA, Cook CS, Latimer CA. (1999). Congenital Ocular Abnormalities of Rocky Mountain Horses. Vet Ophthalmol. 2:47-59.
  • 14. Akın F, Samsar E. (1999). Muayene yöntemleri. (İçinde): Göz Hastalıkları. s:32-34. Tamer Matbaacılık, Ankara.
  • 15. Grahn BH, Cullen CL, Peiffer RL. (2004). The Complete Opht-halmic Examination and Ocular Diagnostic Procedures. (In): Veterinary Ophthalmology Essentials. pp: 1-34. Butterworth-Heinemann. Philadelphia.
  • 16. Mitchell N. (2006). Feline Ophthalmology Part I: Examination of the Eye. Irish Vet J. 59(3):164-168.
  • 17. Ollivier FJ, Plummer CE, Barrie KP. (2007). Ophthalmic Exami-nation and Diagnostics. Part 1: The Eye Examination and Diag-nostic Procedures. (In): Veterinary Ophthalmology. Gelatt KN (ed) Volume:1, 4th ed. pp: 438-483. Blackwell Publishing, Florida.
  • 18. Rosolen SG, Gaiddon JA, Desbrosse AM, Lescure F, Peiffer RL. (2001). Diagnostics. (In): Small Animal Ophthalmology. Peiffer RL, Petersen-Jones SM (eds). 3th ed. pp: 13-41. WB. Saunders, London.
  • 19. Grahn BH, Cullen CL, Peiffer RL. (2004). Orbit. In: Veterinary Ophthalmology Essentials. pp: 82-95. Butterworth-Heinemann. Philadelphia.
  • 20. VanDerLugt JJ, Prozesky L. (1989). The Pathology of Blindness in New-Born Calves Caused by Hypovitaminosis A. Onderss-tepoort J Vet Res. 56:99-110.
  • 21. Uchida K, Kunieda T, Abbasi AR, Ogawa H, Murakami T, Tate-yama S. (2006). Congenital Multiple Ocular Defects with Falci-form Retinal Folds Among Japanese Black Cattle. Vet Pathol. 43:1017-1021.
  • 22. Ushigusa T, Uchida K, Murakami T, Yamaguchi R. (2000). A Pathologic Study on Ocular Disorders in Calves in Southern Kyushu, Japan. J Vet Med Sci. 62(2):147-152.
  • 23. Leipold HW, Gelatt KN, Huston K. (1971). Multiple Ocular Anomalies and Hydrocephalus in Grade Beef Shorthorn Cattle. Am J Vet Res. 32(7):1019-1026.
  • 24. Leipold HW, Mills JHL, Huston K. (1974). Retinal Dysplasia and Internal Hydrocephalus in a Shorthorn Calf. Can Vet J. 15(2):34-38.
  • 25. Lueder GT. (2006). Clinical Ocular Abnormalities in Infants with Trisomy 13. Am J Ophthalmol. 141:1057-1060.
  • 26. Slotnick S, Fitzgerald DE, Sherman J, Krumholz DM. (2007). Pervasive Ocular Anomalies in Posterior Microphthalmos. J Optometry. 78:71-77.
  • 27. Zeis CJ, Zarfoss MK, Jhonson EE, Dubielzing RR. (2008). Ocular Anomalies and Holoprosencephaly in a Lamp. Vet Ophthal-mol.11(1):30-33.
  • 28. Guercio JR, Martyn LJ. (2007). Congenital Malformations of the Eye and Orbit. Otolaryngol Clin North Am. 40(1):13-140.
  • 29. Cook CS. (2007). Ocular Embryology and Congenital Malforma-tions. (In): Veterinary Ophthalmology. Gelatt KN (ed) Volume: 1, 4th ed. pp: 3-36. Blackwell Publishing, Florida.
  • 30. Akın F, Samsar E. (1999). Retina Hastalıkları. (İçinde): Göz Hastalıkları. s: 98-104. Tamer Matbaacılık, Ankara.
  • 31. Collins BK. The blind cat. Access da-te: 19.01.2010.
  • 32. Hamilton Hl, McLaughlin SA. (2000). Diagnosis of Blindness. (In): Kırk’s Current Veterinary Therapy XIII Small Animal Practi-ce, Bonagura JD (ed). 13th ed. pp: 1038-1041. WB Saunders Company, Philadelphia.
  • 33. Alina D, Mutsa A, Oana L, Beteg F, Briciu R. (2008). Morpholo-gical Aspect of Tapetum Lucidum at Some domestic Animals. Bulletin UASVM, Vet Med. 65(2):166-170. 34. Janssens GHRR. (2002). Normal Variation of the Ocular Fundus in Dogs. EJCAP, 12(2):193-198.
  • 35. Narfström K, Bjerkas E, Ekesten B. (2001). Visual Impairment. (In): Small Animal Ophthalmology A Problem-Oriented Appro-ach. Peiffer RL, Petersen-Jones SM (eds). pp: 103-176. 3th ed. WB Saunders, London.
  • 36. Grahn BH, Cullen CL, Peiffer RL. (2004). Optic Nerve. (In): Veterinary Ophthalmology Essentials. pp: 194-199. But-terworth-Heinemann. Philadelphia.
  • 37. Sandmeyer LS, Grahn BC. (2008). Diagnostic Ophthalmology. CVJ. 49:1151-1152. 38. Şaroğlu M, Erdikmen DO. (2008). Retinal Degeneration due to Enrofloxacin Intoxication in a Cat. Turk J Vet Anim Sci. 32(5):403-406.
  • 39. Grahn BH, Cullen CL, Peiffer RL. (2004). Retina. (In): Veterinary Ophthalmology Essentials. pp: 174-193. Butterworth-Heinemann. Philadelphia.
  • 40. Yu DY, Cringle SJ. (2005). Retinal Degeneration and Local Oxygen Metabolism. Exp Eye Res. 80:745-751.
  • 41. Kondo A, Saito Y, Floricel F, Maegaki Y, Ohno K. (2007). Con-genital Ocular Motor Apraxia: Clinical and Neuroradiological Findings, and Long-Term Intellectual Prognosis. Brain Dev-Jpn. 29:431-438.
  • 42. Tarabishy AB, Alexandrou TJ, Traboulsi EI. (2007). Syndrome of Myelinated Retinal Nerve Fibers, Myopia and Amblyopia. A review. Survery Ophthalmol. 52(6):588-596.
  • 43. Barnett KC, Grimes TD. (1974). Bilateral Aplasia of the Optic Nerve in a Cat. Brit J Ophthal. 58:663-667.
  • 44. Slatter D. (1990). Neuro-Ophthalmology. (In): Fundamentals of Veterinary Ophthalmology. 2th ed. pp: 437-477, WB Saunders Company, Philadelphia.
Toplam 41 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Araştıma

Emine Çatalkaya Bu kişi benim

İsa Özaydın

Proje Numarası 2008-VF-06.
Yayımlanma Tarihi 30 Haziran 2019
Kabul Tarihi 19 Haziran 2019
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2019 Cilt: 12 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Çatalkaya, E., & Özaydın, İ. (2019). Kars Bölgesinde Yeni Doğan Buzağılarda Retinal Anormalite İnsidensinin Fundoskopik Muayene ile Belirlenmesi. Dicle Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi, 12(1), 13-19.
AMA Çatalkaya E, Özaydın İ. Kars Bölgesinde Yeni Doğan Buzağılarda Retinal Anormalite İnsidensinin Fundoskopik Muayene ile Belirlenmesi. Dicle Üniv Vet Fak Derg. Haziran 2019;12(1):13-19.
Chicago Çatalkaya, Emine, ve İsa Özaydın. “Kars Bölgesinde Yeni Doğan Buzağılarda Retinal Anormalite İnsidensinin Fundoskopik Muayene Ile Belirlenmesi”. Dicle Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi 12, sy. 1 (Haziran 2019): 13-19.
EndNote Çatalkaya E, Özaydın İ (01 Haziran 2019) Kars Bölgesinde Yeni Doğan Buzağılarda Retinal Anormalite İnsidensinin Fundoskopik Muayene ile Belirlenmesi. Dicle Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi 12 1 13–19.
IEEE E. Çatalkaya ve İ. Özaydın, “Kars Bölgesinde Yeni Doğan Buzağılarda Retinal Anormalite İnsidensinin Fundoskopik Muayene ile Belirlenmesi”, Dicle Üniv Vet Fak Derg, c. 12, sy. 1, ss. 13–19, 2019.
ISNAD Çatalkaya, Emine - Özaydın, İsa. “Kars Bölgesinde Yeni Doğan Buzağılarda Retinal Anormalite İnsidensinin Fundoskopik Muayene Ile Belirlenmesi”. Dicle Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi 12/1 (Haziran 2019), 13-19.
JAMA Çatalkaya E, Özaydın İ. Kars Bölgesinde Yeni Doğan Buzağılarda Retinal Anormalite İnsidensinin Fundoskopik Muayene ile Belirlenmesi. Dicle Üniv Vet Fak Derg. 2019;12:13–19.
MLA Çatalkaya, Emine ve İsa Özaydın. “Kars Bölgesinde Yeni Doğan Buzağılarda Retinal Anormalite İnsidensinin Fundoskopik Muayene Ile Belirlenmesi”. Dicle Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi, c. 12, sy. 1, 2019, ss. 13-19.
Vancouver Çatalkaya E, Özaydın İ. Kars Bölgesinde Yeni Doğan Buzağılarda Retinal Anormalite İnsidensinin Fundoskopik Muayene ile Belirlenmesi. Dicle Üniv Vet Fak Derg. 2019;12(1):13-9.