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Weather Routing Optimization System for the Purpose of Reducing Fuel Consumption and Navigation Time of Merchant Ships (Aegean Sea Model)

Yıl 2021, Cilt: 24 Sayı: 3, 879 - 892, 01.09.2021


To minimize the voyage time and fuel consumption is a crucial matter for commercial vessels. The components which effect to ship’s speed are wind, wave and sea current direction and magnitudes. In this study, we recommend a weather routing system which gets sea and weather forecasts from Inmarsat and Copernicus services and calculates alternative optimal routes for any voyage in the Aegean Sea. CSGA (Cuckoo Search Genetic Algorithm) is used for calculation. Firstly, the shortest paths between the ports were calculated and stored without considering the sea and weather conditions. After getting the forecasts from Inmarsat and Copernicus services, the cost of the shortest path was calculated and proposed algorithm tried to find a better route to minimize the sailing time and fuel consumption. Because, the Aegean Sea ports are not so far from each other, under calm sea and weather conditions, no better routes than the shortest path routes were found. But, in rough sea and weather conditions in winter, the system could find alternatives way to reduce the sailing time and fuel consumption.


  • [1] İnan T., “Yüzen vasıtalar için seyir planlaması yapabilen bir zeki sistemin geliştirilmesi”, Doktora Tezi, Marmara Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, (2019).
  • [2] James R., “Application of wave forecasts to marine navigation”, 1, U.S. Naval Oceanographic Office, Washington, (1957).
  • [3] Hagiwara H., Spaans J.A.,”Practical weather routing of sail-assisted motor vessels”, Journal of Navigation, 1:96-119, (1987).
  • [4] Lo H., McCord M.R., “Adaptive ship routing through stochastic ocean currents: general formulations and empirical results”, Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 32:547-561, (1998).
  • [5] Pacheco M.B., Soares C.G., “Ship weather routing based on seakeeping performance, International Conference on Marine Structures, Glasgow,71-78 (2007).
  • [6] Padhy C., Sen D., Bhaskaran P.K., “Application of wave model for weather routing of ships in the north ındian”, Natural Hazards, 44:373-385, (2007).
  • [7] Szlapczynska J., Smierzchalski R., “Multicriteria optimisation in weather routing”, TransNav, 3:393-400, (2009).
  • [8] Jörn H. Ve Günther C., “Robust pareto-optimum routing of ships utilising deterministic and ensemble weather forecasts”, Ships and Offshore Structures, 5:105-114, (2010) .
  • [9] Delitala A.M.S., Gallino S.,Villa L., Lagouvardos K. Ve Drago A.,”Weather routing in long distance mediterranean routes”, Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 102:125-137, (2010).
  • [10] Maki A., Akimoto Y., Nagata Y., Kobayashi S., “A new weather-routing system that accounts for ship stability based on a real-coded genetic algorithm”, Journal of Marine Science and Technology , 16: 311-322, (2011).
  • [11] Kosmas O. ve Vlachos D., “Simulated annealing for optimal ship routing” ,Computers & Operations Research, 39:576-581, (2012).
  • [12] Shao W., Zhou P. ve Thong S. K., “Development of a novel forward dynamic programming method for weather routing,”, Journal of Marine Science and Technology, 17: 239-251, (2012).
  • [13] Mannarini G., Coppini G., Oddo P. ve Pinardi N., “A prototype of ship routing decision support system for an operational oceanographic service”, TransNav, 7:53-59, (2013).
  • [14] Fang M. C. ve Lin Y.H., “The optimization of ship weather-routing algorithm based on the composite ınfluence of multi-dynamic elements (II): optimized routings”, Applied Ocean Research, 50: 130-140, (2015).
  • [15] Tsou M.C. ve Cheng H.C., “An ant colony algorithm for efficient ship routing”, Polish Maritime Research, 20:28-38, (2013).
  • [16] Cai Y. ve Yuanqiao W., “Ship route design for avoiding heavy weather and sea conditions”, TransNav, 8:551-556, (2014).
  • [17] Kepaptsoglou K., Fountas G. ve Karlaftis M., “Weather ımpact on containership routing in closed seas: a chance-constraint optimization approach”, Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 55:139-155, (2015).
  • [18] Kobayashi E., Hashimoto H., Taniguchi Y. ve Yoneda S., “Advanced optimized weather routing for an ocean-going vessel”, International Association of Institutes of Navigation World Congress (IAIN), Prague, (2015).
  • [19] Zhu X., Wang H., Shen Z. ve Hongjun L., “Ship weather routing based on modified dijkstra algorithm”, 6th International Conference on Machinery, Materials, Environment, Biotechnology and Computer, Tianjin, 696-699, (2016).
  • [20] Vettor R. ve Soares C., “Development of a ship weather routing system”, Ocean Engineering, 123:1-14, (2016).
  • [21] Lee H., Aydin N., Choi Y. Lekhavat S. ve Irani Z., “A decision support system for vessel speed decision in maritime logistics using weather archive big data”, Computers & Operations Research, 98:330-342, (2018).
  • [22] Veneti A., Makrygiorgos A., Konstantopoulos C., Pantziou G. ve Vetsikas I. A., “Minimizing the fuel consumption and the risk in maritime transportation: a bi-objective weather routing approach”, Computers and Operations Research, 88:220-236, (2017).
  • [23] Xiaogang L., Hongbo W. ve Wu Q., “Multi-objective Optimization in ship weather routing”, Constructive Nonsmooth Analysis and Related Topics , Saint Petersburg, 1-4, (2017).
  • [24] Hong-Bo W., Li X.G., Li P.F. ve Veremey E. I., “Application of real-coded genetic algorithm in ship weather routing”, Journal of Navigation, 71:989-1010, (2018).
  • [25] Tanaka M. ve Kobayashi K., “A route generation algorithm for an optimal fuel routing problem between two single ports”, International Transactions in Operational Research, 26:529-550, (2019).
  • [26] Feng L. “Study on the ship's loss-speed in wind and waves”. Journal of Dalian Maritime University, 18:347–351,(1992).
  • [27] Lin Y.H. ve Fang M.C., “The ship-routing optimization based on the three-dimensional modified isochrone method”, International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering , Nantes, France, 1-4, (2013).
  • [28] MAN, Technical Specifications of MAN Engines. Erişim Tarihi:02/02/2018. Url:
  • [29] Lin Y.H., Fang M.C. ve Yeung R. W., “The optimization of ship weather-routing algorithm based on the composite influence of multi-dynamic elements”, Applied Ocean Research, 184-194, (2013).

Ticari Gemiler İçin Seyir Süresi ve Yakıt Tüketiminin Azaltılması Amaçlı, Hava ve Deniz Şartlarına Göre Rota Optimizasyonu Sistemi (Ege Denizi Örneği)

Yıl 2021, Cilt: 24 Sayı: 3, 879 - 892, 01.09.2021


Ticari gemilerin, seyirlerini en kısa zamanda gerçekleştirmesi hem yakıt tasarrufu hem de zaman tasarrufu açısından önem taşımaktadır. Gemilerin hızını etkileyen faktörler rüzgâr, dalga ve akıntı yön ve büyüklükleridir. Bu çalışmada, hava ve deniz şartlarına ait tahmin bilgilerini Inmarsat ve Copernicus servislerinden elde ederek, Ege Denizi üzerinde bulunan limanlar arasında yapılabilecek olası seyirler için rota optimizasyonu sağlayabilen bir karar destek sistemi ortaya koyulmuştur. Ortaya konulan sistem, belirlenen başlangıç ve bitiş limanları arasında kullanılması gereken rotayı, deniz ve hava şartlarına göre en uygun şekilde seçebilmektedir. Uygunluk kriteri, seyir süresinin ve yakıt tüketiminin mümkün olan en az değerde olmasıdır. Hesaplamada yöntem olarak CSGA (Cuckoo Search Genetic Algorithm) algoritması kullanılmıştır. Limanlar arasında seyir yapılabilmesi amacıyla kullanılabilecek en kısa yollar hava ve deniz şartları göz ardı edilerek Djikstra algoritması ile hesaplatılmış ve kayıt altına alınmıştır. Hava ve deniz şartları Inmarsat ve Copernicus servislerinden elde edilerek en kısa yol için maliyet hesaplanmış, ardından da CSGA algoritması ile daha optimal bir rotanın bulunup bulunmadığı hesaplatılmıştır. Ege Denizi limanları arasındaki mesafeler uzun olmadığı için sakin hava şartlarında en kısa yol rotasından daha uygun rota veya rotalar bulunamamıştır. Ancak, hava ve deniz şartlarının sert olduğu kış aylarında, sistemin daha uygun alternatif rotalar bulabildiği gözlemlenmiştir. 


  • [1] İnan T., “Yüzen vasıtalar için seyir planlaması yapabilen bir zeki sistemin geliştirilmesi”, Doktora Tezi, Marmara Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, (2019).
  • [2] James R., “Application of wave forecasts to marine navigation”, 1, U.S. Naval Oceanographic Office, Washington, (1957).
  • [3] Hagiwara H., Spaans J.A.,”Practical weather routing of sail-assisted motor vessels”, Journal of Navigation, 1:96-119, (1987).
  • [4] Lo H., McCord M.R., “Adaptive ship routing through stochastic ocean currents: general formulations and empirical results”, Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 32:547-561, (1998).
  • [5] Pacheco M.B., Soares C.G., “Ship weather routing based on seakeeping performance, International Conference on Marine Structures, Glasgow,71-78 (2007).
  • [6] Padhy C., Sen D., Bhaskaran P.K., “Application of wave model for weather routing of ships in the north ındian”, Natural Hazards, 44:373-385, (2007).
  • [7] Szlapczynska J., Smierzchalski R., “Multicriteria optimisation in weather routing”, TransNav, 3:393-400, (2009).
  • [8] Jörn H. Ve Günther C., “Robust pareto-optimum routing of ships utilising deterministic and ensemble weather forecasts”, Ships and Offshore Structures, 5:105-114, (2010) .
  • [9] Delitala A.M.S., Gallino S.,Villa L., Lagouvardos K. Ve Drago A.,”Weather routing in long distance mediterranean routes”, Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 102:125-137, (2010).
  • [10] Maki A., Akimoto Y., Nagata Y., Kobayashi S., “A new weather-routing system that accounts for ship stability based on a real-coded genetic algorithm”, Journal of Marine Science and Technology , 16: 311-322, (2011).
  • [11] Kosmas O. ve Vlachos D., “Simulated annealing for optimal ship routing” ,Computers & Operations Research, 39:576-581, (2012).
  • [12] Shao W., Zhou P. ve Thong S. K., “Development of a novel forward dynamic programming method for weather routing,”, Journal of Marine Science and Technology, 17: 239-251, (2012).
  • [13] Mannarini G., Coppini G., Oddo P. ve Pinardi N., “A prototype of ship routing decision support system for an operational oceanographic service”, TransNav, 7:53-59, (2013).
  • [14] Fang M. C. ve Lin Y.H., “The optimization of ship weather-routing algorithm based on the composite ınfluence of multi-dynamic elements (II): optimized routings”, Applied Ocean Research, 50: 130-140, (2015).
  • [15] Tsou M.C. ve Cheng H.C., “An ant colony algorithm for efficient ship routing”, Polish Maritime Research, 20:28-38, (2013).
  • [16] Cai Y. ve Yuanqiao W., “Ship route design for avoiding heavy weather and sea conditions”, TransNav, 8:551-556, (2014).
  • [17] Kepaptsoglou K., Fountas G. ve Karlaftis M., “Weather ımpact on containership routing in closed seas: a chance-constraint optimization approach”, Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 55:139-155, (2015).
  • [18] Kobayashi E., Hashimoto H., Taniguchi Y. ve Yoneda S., “Advanced optimized weather routing for an ocean-going vessel”, International Association of Institutes of Navigation World Congress (IAIN), Prague, (2015).
  • [19] Zhu X., Wang H., Shen Z. ve Hongjun L., “Ship weather routing based on modified dijkstra algorithm”, 6th International Conference on Machinery, Materials, Environment, Biotechnology and Computer, Tianjin, 696-699, (2016).
  • [20] Vettor R. ve Soares C., “Development of a ship weather routing system”, Ocean Engineering, 123:1-14, (2016).
  • [21] Lee H., Aydin N., Choi Y. Lekhavat S. ve Irani Z., “A decision support system for vessel speed decision in maritime logistics using weather archive big data”, Computers & Operations Research, 98:330-342, (2018).
  • [22] Veneti A., Makrygiorgos A., Konstantopoulos C., Pantziou G. ve Vetsikas I. A., “Minimizing the fuel consumption and the risk in maritime transportation: a bi-objective weather routing approach”, Computers and Operations Research, 88:220-236, (2017).
  • [23] Xiaogang L., Hongbo W. ve Wu Q., “Multi-objective Optimization in ship weather routing”, Constructive Nonsmooth Analysis and Related Topics , Saint Petersburg, 1-4, (2017).
  • [24] Hong-Bo W., Li X.G., Li P.F. ve Veremey E. I., “Application of real-coded genetic algorithm in ship weather routing”, Journal of Navigation, 71:989-1010, (2018).
  • [25] Tanaka M. ve Kobayashi K., “A route generation algorithm for an optimal fuel routing problem between two single ports”, International Transactions in Operational Research, 26:529-550, (2019).
  • [26] Feng L. “Study on the ship's loss-speed in wind and waves”. Journal of Dalian Maritime University, 18:347–351,(1992).
  • [27] Lin Y.H. ve Fang M.C., “The ship-routing optimization based on the three-dimensional modified isochrone method”, International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering , Nantes, France, 1-4, (2013).
  • [28] MAN, Technical Specifications of MAN Engines. Erişim Tarihi:02/02/2018. Url:
  • [29] Lin Y.H., Fang M.C. ve Yeung R. W., “The optimization of ship weather-routing algorithm based on the composite influence of multi-dynamic elements”, Applied Ocean Research, 184-194, (2013).
Toplam 29 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Mühendislik
Bölüm Araştırma Makalesi

Timur İnan 0000-0002-6647-3025

Ahmet Fevzi Baba 0000-0003-4834-0912

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Eylül 2021
Gönderilme Tarihi 5 Kasım 2019
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2021 Cilt: 24 Sayı: 3

Kaynak Göster

APA İnan, T., & Baba, A. F. (2021). Ticari Gemiler İçin Seyir Süresi ve Yakıt Tüketiminin Azaltılması Amaçlı, Hava ve Deniz Şartlarına Göre Rota Optimizasyonu Sistemi (Ege Denizi Örneği). Politeknik Dergisi, 24(3), 879-892.
AMA İnan T, Baba AF. Ticari Gemiler İçin Seyir Süresi ve Yakıt Tüketiminin Azaltılması Amaçlı, Hava ve Deniz Şartlarına Göre Rota Optimizasyonu Sistemi (Ege Denizi Örneği). Politeknik Dergisi. Eylül 2021;24(3):879-892. doi:10.2339/politeknik.643333
Chicago İnan, Timur, ve Ahmet Fevzi Baba. “Ticari Gemiler İçin Seyir Süresi Ve Yakıt Tüketiminin Azaltılması Amaçlı, Hava Ve Deniz Şartlarına Göre Rota Optimizasyonu Sistemi (Ege Denizi Örneği)”. Politeknik Dergisi 24, sy. 3 (Eylül 2021): 879-92.
EndNote İnan T, Baba AF (01 Eylül 2021) Ticari Gemiler İçin Seyir Süresi ve Yakıt Tüketiminin Azaltılması Amaçlı, Hava ve Deniz Şartlarına Göre Rota Optimizasyonu Sistemi (Ege Denizi Örneği). Politeknik Dergisi 24 3 879–892.
IEEE T. İnan ve A. F. Baba, “Ticari Gemiler İçin Seyir Süresi ve Yakıt Tüketiminin Azaltılması Amaçlı, Hava ve Deniz Şartlarına Göre Rota Optimizasyonu Sistemi (Ege Denizi Örneği)”, Politeknik Dergisi, c. 24, sy. 3, ss. 879–892, 2021, doi: 10.2339/politeknik.643333.
ISNAD İnan, Timur - Baba, Ahmet Fevzi. “Ticari Gemiler İçin Seyir Süresi Ve Yakıt Tüketiminin Azaltılması Amaçlı, Hava Ve Deniz Şartlarına Göre Rota Optimizasyonu Sistemi (Ege Denizi Örneği)”. Politeknik Dergisi 24/3 (Eylül 2021), 879-892.
JAMA İnan T, Baba AF. Ticari Gemiler İçin Seyir Süresi ve Yakıt Tüketiminin Azaltılması Amaçlı, Hava ve Deniz Şartlarına Göre Rota Optimizasyonu Sistemi (Ege Denizi Örneği). Politeknik Dergisi. 2021;24:879–892.
MLA İnan, Timur ve Ahmet Fevzi Baba. “Ticari Gemiler İçin Seyir Süresi Ve Yakıt Tüketiminin Azaltılması Amaçlı, Hava Ve Deniz Şartlarına Göre Rota Optimizasyonu Sistemi (Ege Denizi Örneği)”. Politeknik Dergisi, c. 24, sy. 3, 2021, ss. 879-92, doi:10.2339/politeknik.643333.
Vancouver İnan T, Baba AF. Ticari Gemiler İçin Seyir Süresi ve Yakıt Tüketiminin Azaltılması Amaçlı, Hava ve Deniz Şartlarına Göre Rota Optimizasyonu Sistemi (Ege Denizi Örneği). Politeknik Dergisi. 2021;24(3):879-92.
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