ISSN: 2667-6419
e-ISSN: 3023-5561
Founded: 2017
Publisher: Ankara Hacı Bayram Veli University
Cover Image

The primary objectives of the "Asian Studies Application and Research Centre" associated with Ankara Hacı Bayram Veli University are twofold: firstly, to engage in interdisciplinary research on Asian regions in partnership with academic humanities departments, research centres, and higher education institutions across all Asian countries; and secondly, to conduct research specifically on the borders of Asia through collaborations with research centres and universities in Asia, as well as other pertinent research units in the region.
Aligned with the objectives of the "Asian Studies Application and Research Centre," the Fall 2017 issue of the Asian Studies International Journal of Social Sciences commenced publication. This journal publishes scholarly articles that delve into various social and human science subjects, including Asia's history, geography, economy, culture and archaeology, political relations, and geography. The "International Refereed Journal" continues to be published biannually (Spring and Fall) and employs a double-blind, transparent peer review model. Authors are required to provide ethical declaration information, a copyright notice, and a similarity report. Beginning with the December 2019 issue (Volume: 3, Issue: 2), DOI numbers were assigned to journal articles published in both Turkish and English.

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