Peer Review Process

Initial Manuscript Evaluation

The manuscript that reaches the journal to be published is first examined by the editors in terms of the writing rules and publishing principles. Thereafter, editors evaluate the introduction, literature review, method, findings, conclusion, discussion and suggestion sections of the manuscript in detail. As a result of this process, if those studies that are found unacceptable, the authors will be informed by a detailed report within 30 days from the date of submission. Manuscripts that have successfully completed the initial review period will be put to double-blind reviewing process.

Policy of Double-Blind Reviewing
The double-blind reviewing process is preferred by many scientific journals around the world, ensures an objective evaluation of the manuscripts. International Journal of Geography and Geography Education uses the double-blind review process for all manuscripts. In this method the identities of the authors and reviewers are hidden from each other.

Peer Review Process
The foundation of the journal is based on a wide perspective, which also causes diversity in the criteria to be applied in the evaluation of the methods of manuscripts to be published. In this respect, expectations from the reviewers are listed below:

Abstract: The reviewer report includes views about the purpose, method, how the data is obtained and analyzed, findings, results, and suggestions of the manuscript.
Introduction: The reviewer report includes views about the purpose, problem question, current scope of the related literature, and originality of the manuscript.
Material and Method: The reviewer report includes views about the suitability of the method chosen by author or authors, choice of the research group, and the reliability/validity process of the manuscript.
Findings: The reviewer report includes views about the presentation of the findings obtained through the method and the presentation of tables, diagrams and visuals that are needed in the manuscript.
Discussion and Conclusion: The reviewer report includes views about the contribution to literature, evaluation based on findings of the manuscript.
Typology and style of the manuscript: The reviewer report includes views about whether the language is used accurately and whether APA6 rules are observed in giving reference.
Overall evaluation: The reviewer report includes views about the originality of the manuscript and its contributions to geography discipline.
Reviewers might accept the manuscript, reject the manuscript or might want a revision of the manuscript from the authors.

Peer Review Process
By reviewing the contents of the manuscripts submitted to the journal, the manuscripts are sent to at least two reviewers which are determined by the editors. Reviewers who are obligated to guarantee that they will not share any document or detail about the manuscript they review.

For publication of manuscripts, two positive reports of reviewers are required. In case one reviewer report is negative while the other is positive, the article is forwarded to a third reviewer for addition evaluation. According to the result of third report, it is decided that the manuscript can be published or not.

Reviewers are given 30 days for review. This specified period covers the prescribed time to complete the initial evaluations. In case the reviewers demand correction from the author(s), this period will change and the editors will endeavor completing the period as early as possible.

Author(s) should be sent back the revised version of manuscript in 30 days. Otherwise, the manuscript will be rejected from the publishing process. Manuscripts which are not accepted for publication are not re-sent to their authors.

Final Evaluation of Manuscripts
After favorable opinions of reviewers, editors and editorial board is made the final evaluation. The manuscripts accepted for publication by editors and editorial boards are placed in an issue sequence. Subsequently author(s) are informed by the editors about the relevant decision.

The author(s) that submit a manuscript to the ARTİUM consider accepting of these peer review conditions and procedures in advance.

Last Update Time: 5/8/21, 7:06:17 PM

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